Fact / Quote / Quiz: 4/9

FACT OF THE DAY: Today (4/9) in 1941 Lewis gave his first Royal Air Force (RAF) talk at RAF Abingdon, Berkshire, England. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Those who stand outside all judgements of value cannot have any ground for preferring one of their own impulses to another except the emotional strength of …

RETROSPECT: July 11th – 21st

Highlights for the period of July 11-21 include: the first book resulting from speaking on the BBC, an unusual meditation, and the death of Joy.

When Lewis agreed to do talks over the radio he had no idea how well received they would be. After two successful series of talks that were each in five parts and another series scheduled to start in late September, the book Broadcast Talks was released on the 13th in 1942. Unlike the later books released after each of his last two series, this book contained no additional material. They were merely five chapters each to match what was on the air. The only difference had to do with the order of the chapters from the first series.

RETROSPECT: April 11th – 19th

The following is part of a series reflecting on the life of C.S. Lewis. This is accomplished by summarizing various events or happenings during his lifetime for the noted period and may include significant events related to him after his death.

Highlights for the second third of April (11th – 19th) include: Publication of third BBC series; Publication of second book from BBC Talks; four posthumous books and the final installment about a bus ride to heaven.

Christian Behaviour: A Further series of Broadcast Talks tops the list of happenings over the years in the life of Lewis. It was first published on the 19th in 1943 in the U.K. (and nine months later in the U.S.). As you may be aware, it was just the second book printed of three that eventually became part of Mere Christianity. What gets confusing to some is that when you examine the book from 1952 Christian Behavior is stated as being “Book III.”

Fact / Quote / Quiz: April 9th


Today (4/9) in 1941 Lewis gave his first Royal Air Force (RAF) talk at RAF Abingdon, Berkshire, England.

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“Those who stand outside all judgements of value cannot have any ground for preferring one of their own impulses to another except the emotional strength of that impulse.”

The Abolition of Man
(Published 4/8/1947 as the first U.S. edition)

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Complete the quote and name the source (4 words):
“For change is not progress unless ______ _____ _____ _____ …wherever there is real progress in knowledge, there is some knowledge that is not superseded.”
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