Fact / Quote / Quiz: 6/14

FACT OF THE DAY: Lewis finished his academic studies at Oxford in June, 1923, beginning his exams today (14th). – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Perfect humility dispenses with modesty. If God is satisfied with the work, the work my be satisfied with itself.” The Weight of Glory (Sermon preached on 6/8/1941) – – …

RETROSPECT: July 11th – 21st

Highlights for the period of July 11-21 include: the first book resulting from speaking on the BBC, an unusual meditation, and the death of Joy.

When Lewis agreed to do talks over the radio he had no idea how well received they would be. After two successful series of talks that were each in five parts and another series scheduled to start in late September, the book Broadcast Talks was released on the 13th in 1942. Unlike the later books released after each of his last two series, this book contained no additional material. They were merely five chapters each to match what was on the air. The only difference had to do with the order of the chapters from the first series.

Daily Lewis – Fact / Quote / Quiz: June 14th


Lewis finished his academic studies at Oxford in June, 1923, beginning his exams today (14th).

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“Perfect humility dispenses with modesty. If God is satisfied with the work, the work my be satisfied with itself.”

The Weight of Glory
(Sermon preached on 6/8/1941)

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What landmark sermon did Lewis preach this month?
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(Click “Read More” to SEE Answer)

RETROSPECT: June 12th – 21st

Highlights for the second third of June (12nd – 21st) include: the birthday of his closest friend, beginning his longest employment and an explanation of “an old textbook method” that the devils use.

Warnie LewisLewis was the youngest in his family. His only sibling was his brother, Warren who was nearly three-and-half years older. Born on the 16th in 1895, the elder brother became close friends with his junior over the years. This doesn’t mean they had the same interests, in fact, a major difference in their tastes from their younger years turns out to be a pretty good summary of their most outstanding talents. Lewis from his early days was intrigued by fairy tales and fantasy stories. Warnie had more of an interest in history.