RETROSPECT: April 11th – 19th

The following is part of a series reflecting on the life of C.S. Lewis. This is accomplished by summarizing various events or happenings during his lifetime for the noted period and may include significant events related to him after his death.

Highlights for the second third of April (11th – 19th) include: Publication of third BBC series; Publication of second book from BBC Talks; four posthumous books and the final installment about a bus ride to heaven.

Christian Behaviour: A Further series of Broadcast Talks tops the list of happenings over the years in the life of Lewis. It was first published on the 19th in 1943 in the U.K. (and nine months later in the U.S.). As you may be aware, it was just the second book printed of three that eventually became part of Mere Christianity. What gets confusing to some is that when you examine the book from 1952 Christian Behavior is stated as being “Book III.”

Fact / Quote / Quiz: November 26th


Lewis’s funeral was held on this day (11/26) in 1963 at Holy Trinity, Headington Quarry. Father Ronald Head lead the service.

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“When I began, Christianity came before the great mass of my unbelieving fellow-countrymen either in the highly emotional form offered by revivalists or in the unintelligible language of highly cultured clergymen. Most men were reached by neither.”

Rejoinder to Dr Pittenger (Published 11/26/58 in The Christian Century)

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Lewis was deployed to France in 1917 (WWI) with what regiment?
(Click “Read More” to SEE Answer)