Retro: June 12th – 19th

Highlights for the period of June 12th – 19th include: the birthday of his closest friend, beginning his longest employment and an explanation of “an old textbook method” that the devils use.

Lewis was the youngest in his family. His only sibling was his brother, Warren who was nearly three-and-half years older. Born on

Retro: June 5th – 11th

This week’s highlights related to Lewis include: his most famous sermon, a first letter to an eventual longtime friend, winning a scholarship and a book related to his professional specialty.

Before the magic of Narnia started in 1950 C.S. Lewis had a magical year

Retro: May 29th – June 4th

Highlights in Lewis’s life for the week are: Advice from Screwtape on the danger war is to contented worldliness, a letter about figuring out “Aslan’s other name” and the acceptance of a new position late in his professional career.

One major event stands above all else for this time period in the life of Lewis. Most who know his life fairly