RETROSPECT: May 22th – 31st

Highlights for the final third of May (22nd – 31st) include: A prize-winning essay, his first Christian book that was his only true allegory and a Pentecost sermon.

Lewis’s first book after becoming a Christian was very different in several ways than his two previous works. Those initial titles were poetry, while The Pilgrim’s Regress: An Allegorical Apology for Christianity, Reason and Romanticism, publishedon the 25th in 1933 was his debut prose effort. Additionally, the story was pure allegory. Interestingly, it was such a difficult read that Lewis himself even admitted it and ten years after its release he wrote a preface to explain his approach to the story.

Retro: May 29th – June 4th

Highlights in Lewis’s life for the week are: Advice from Screwtape on the danger war is to contented worldliness, a letter about figuring out “Aslan’s other name” and the acceptance of a new position late in his professional career.

One major event stands above all else for this time period in the life of Lewis. Most who know his life fairly