Daily Lewis – Fact / Quote / Quiz: June 23rd


Lewis’s poem “Vitrea Circe” was published in Punch, today (6/23) in 1948) and was revised and reprinted in Poems.

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(Screwtape Admits:) “Prayers offered in the state of dryness are those which please Him (God) best.”

The Screwtape Letters VIII
(Published in The Guardian on 6/20/1941)

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Which book from The Chronicles of Narnia did Lewis share the galley proofs of to his friends, the Inklings?
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(Click “Read More” to SEE Answer)


Several fans sites for The Chronicles of Narnia started showing up prior to the released of the movie version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe back in 2005. One that has remained active over the years is NarniaFans.com. While still its own site, it is also one of the featured partner sites of the Middle Earth Network (disclaimer: EssentialCSLewis.com is also a featured partner and I have written articles on NarniaFans). As you might guess, NarniaFans does focus a great deal on the movies that have been released of the Chronicles so far. However, there is also a variety of general Lewis information along with some related fantasy news from time to time.

On The Shoulders of Hobbits (Interview with Dr. Louis Markos)

Dr. Louis Markos has written several books on C.S. Lewis and some have been highlighted here before (see list below). He is also one of the co-writers (with Darren Jacobs) of the forthcoming JACK & TOLLERS movie. Last year he released a book dealing with the fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien AND C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. It’s called On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis. The following link is an interview William O’Flaherty did with him about this book.
(Click “Read More” to Listen to this Interview)

Transcript of Douglas Gresham Interview (Sept. 2013)

The following is a transcript of the interview I did with Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis. It was recorded on 9/24/2013 during his visit to Asbury University.


O’FLAHERTY: While this is the 50th anniversary of Lewis’s death and his legacy has lasted this long, looking ahead, not to the present here but ahead, what do you think will be the most remembered about Jack 50 or maybe 100 years from now if you don’t mind speculating.

GRESHAM: I don’t think it’s going to change very much you know. I think Christianity worldwide is at an all-time ebb at the moment and I think it’s starting to gather pace to come back with huge force again, Jack is going to

The Lasting Legacy of C.S. Lewis

Fifty years ago C.S. Lewis died on the same day that John F. Kennedy was murdered. While the mystery of who killed Kennedy remains in some minds, it is clear why C.S. Lewis continues to be admired and his popularity is ever growing. The key reason is because he wrote in several diverse realms and thus had a variety of audiences. Some are only familiar with him as the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, while others respect him because of his works dealing with understanding or defending the Christian faith. Then there are those who have regard for him due to his academic books resulting from teaching Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

Ironically almost as each decade

RETROSPECTIVE: November 11th – 20th

Highlights for the second third of November (11th – 20th) include: The American debut of Mere Christianity, an explanation of why “Fairy Stories,” and the publication of a landmark sermon.

This series has already noted at various times (including the last installment) why the material making up Mere Christianity is such a great book. While I’d used any excuse to say more, this time it is easily justified as those in the US first had the opportunity to purchase the combined book that consisted of all four BBC broadcast talks on the 11th in 1952. This is only four months later than the release in the UK. The main new material for this edition was Lewis’s preface, but the convenience of having all three short books together in one volume was invaluable. While many are aware that the book was adapted from material on the radio, fewer are familiar with any of the details behind this fact. I mentioned last time that Focus on the Family had a new radio

RETRO: October 11th – 21st

Highlights for the middle third of October (11th – 21st) include: Premier of the first and second Narnia books, debut apologetic work, plus three other books published!

This period over the years for Lewis likely ranks as the most significant. Aslan was introduced and Lewis began to be recognized as a spokesperson for the Christian faith from the book that came out during this time in 1940 (more about that later). The Lion, the Witch and the