Summary of JACK & TOLLERS (The New C.S. Lewis Movie)

This page features a summary of facts or frequently asked questions about the forthcoming movie about the friendship of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien entitled JACK & TOLLERS. While all answers are believed to be accurate as of the date posted above, please note that this is an UNOFFICIAL page and not meant to suggest it is endorsed by those who are actually producing the movie.

Presently the best place to get official information is from the Facebook page of Third Dart Studios. You can also hear interviews I did with those involved in the production from Dec. 9, 2013 (with Darren Jacobs, a screenwriter and Chris Dodge, the Executive Producer) and Dec. 17, 2013 (with Darren again and Dr. Louis Markos, the other screenwriter).

On The Shoulders of Hobbits (Interview with Dr. Louis Markos)

Dr. Louis Markos has written several books on C.S. Lewis and some have been highlighted here before (see list below). He is also one of the co-writers (with Darren Jacobs) of the forthcoming JACK & TOLLERS movie. Last year he released a book dealing with the fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien AND C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. It’s called On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis. The following link is an interview William O’Flaherty did with him about this book.
(Click “Read More” to Listen to this Interview)

EXCLUSIVE Interview About Jack & Tollers Movie

Here’s an EXCLUSIVE interview recorded 12/8/13 with one of the screenwriters, Darren Jacobs and the Executive Producer, Chris Dodge from the movie project in development called JACK & TOLLERS. Learn about how this is similar, but different from The Lion Awakes project that Darren was involved in why, J.R.R. Tolkien plays a bigger part, the purpose of Indiegogo fundraiser for the teaser trailer and more.
(Click “Read More” to Listen to this Interview)

Jack & Tollers MOVIE

Many Lewis fans are excited (and rightly so) about news of a new Narnia movie. Realistically, however, that movie (The Silver Chair) will not be released until 2017 or 2018 (if you haven’t heard about this you can read my previous post about it). In the meantime I’m please to announce another movie in the works that will be out much sooner that deals with the true story of the unique friendship between Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
It’s called JACK AND TOLLERS. The screen writers are the two people (Darren Jacobs and Dr. Louis Markos) who had work on The Lion Awakes project. In the coming days I hope to have them on my podcast show (All About Jack) to give you more details (and to explain why the previous project didn’t work out). For now, I want to encourage you to visit and LIKE the Facebook page of the studio doing the project. This will do two things: 1.) It will let them know of your interest in the film and 2.) You’ll be able to get updates about what’s happening in your FB News Feed.