Favorite C.S. Lewis Quotes on 50th Anniversary

C.S. Lewis died on November 22, 1963. In honor of his life I’ve collect a small handful of quotes by him. These are not necessarily my favorites, but a few selections from quotes I’ve shared over the last year. The first however is an exception. It is a longer quote about death from his book Miracles. Also I’ve included a quote below from his brother, Warnie that is available in the memoir section of Letters of C.S. Lewis.

“Friday, the 22nd of November 1963, began much as other days: there was breakfast, then letters and the crossword puzzle. After lunch he fell asleep in his chair: I suggested that he would be more comfortable in bed, and he went there. At four I took in his tea and found him drowsy but comfortable. Our few words then were the last: at five-thirty I heard a crash and ran in, to find him lying unconscious at the foot of his bed. He ceased to breathe some three or four minutes later.”

From: Letters of C.S. Lewis – Edited, with a Memoir by W.H. Lewis (1966)

“On the one hand Death is the triumph of Satan, the punishment of the Fall