Live Like a Narnian (Joe Rigney) 2016r

Here’s an interview first released in 2013, but not shared again since my podcast hosting changed. It’s a book interview about Live Like a Narnian, a title from Joe Rigney. The subject obviously deals with Narnia, but it looks at it from the standpoint of Christian discipleship. Joe is from Bethlehem College and Seminary and was one …

Desiring God 2013 Lewis Conference FREE Media

There were more than a few events in 2013 to celebrate the life of C.S. Lewis during the 50th anniversary year of his death. One of them was hosted by Dr. John Piper’s Desiring God Ministries. However, the only one that I’m aware of that not only did FREE live streaming of their conference but has ALSO made them freely available afterwards is from them. “The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life & Imagination in the Works of C.S. Lewis” was the name of their event and you can view all the videos of each session, seminar and even their “small talks” (ten-minute mini-sessions) by selecting the picture above. You can also listen to them in audio or even download the audio.

2013 Best of Recap

Over the last year I’ve had the privilege of interviewing many individuals. I checked the data of what shows were downloaded the most and the following podcast shares some of them. The program is just over 30 minutes, so I only share some brief moments from them. Check the links below to listen to those entire shows (and learn what I highlight). I also provide a second list of links to shows I didn’t include in the recap (because they were in the last two months) that were among the top downloads for the year.
(Click “Read More” to Listen to this Interview)