8/20-26 Weekly Dose of C.S. Lewis Quotes

Welcome to Weekly Dose of C.S. Lewis Quotes! Below you’ll see seven quotes selected from a variety of Lewis’s works over the years that are related to this week (or month). There is also a special video version of this for my YouTube channel, Knowing and Understanding C.S. Lewis, and an audio-only version via my podcast, All …

200 Seconds in Hell with C.S. Lewis Episode 8

You know that the devils try to be sneaky and trick you, right? Did you know they might make you a glutton without eating any food? It’s what Screwtape calls “gluttony of Delicacy” in the seventeenth letter. Just what is that? Learn all about it in this new short podcast that explores the themes in …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #53

  The Screwtape Letter is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day. Gluttony gets an interesting twist in The Screwtape Letters. In the 17th Wormwood is told about “gluttony of Delicacy” and how it was being …

RETROSPECT: August 22nd – 31st

Highlights for August 22nd – 31st include: An unfortunate childhood loss, letters from Screwtape on gluttony and love, and the radio broadcast of the last chapter of what’s now book one of Mere Christianity.

As mentioned during a previous column last month, Lewis lost his wife to cancer. The second most significant loss for him was during his childhood, when his mother, Florence Augusta Hamilton Lewis, died on the 23rd in 1908. This was also due to cancer. Although Lewis had prayed for his mother to live, he reports not actually being a Christian at the time