Letter Writer (CSLM-17)

CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO/PODCAST VERSION C.S. Lewis was obviously a writer, yet few people realize how much he personally wrote to others! In the bygone days your parents or grandparents (so they say) had to walk miles to school uphill…both ways! Also in that generation they claimed to do something else really odd…they wrote letters to …

Lewis’s Slow Conversion (CSLM-13)

LISTEN TO AUDIO/PODCAST VERSION Many people take their time making important decisions, but you may not believe how long it took C.S. Lewis to go from believing in God to becoming a Christian. It was in the spring or summer of 1929 when Lewis, at the age of 30, to quote his autobiography, “admitted that …

C.S. Lewis Himself (from Mere Christianity)

I’ve previous posted the following, but because of recently repeating my CSL Minutes about Mere Christianity and someone asking about hearing something from it I felt it was easiest to remind everyone about this piece I wrote by repeating it as well. By the way, I’ve taken the audio (which is in public domain) and …

Mere Christianity History, Part 2 (CSLM-12)

LISTEN TO AUDIO/PODCAST VERSION Last time I gave you some background information about how Mere Christianity began as radio broadcasts and next became a series of three books. Would you believe there is a backstory to this backstory?   C.S. Lewis never wanted to be on the radio before he was asked to do a …