Puddleglum (CSLM-14)


There are so many memorable characters in The Chronicles of Narnia it seems unfair to pick just one, even when you exclude most of the main characters.

While I could obviously choose a favorite from among the key players in the Narnia stories, looking past them Puddleglum from The Silver Chair stands out in my mind. You remember him, don’t you? He’s the Marsh-wiggle who guides Jill and Eustace in their adventures to locate and rescue Prince Rilian.

But that’s not the reason millions love him…it’s his pessimistic view throughout the story that makes him enduring. But don’t forget, according to Puddleglum himself, his fellow Marsh-wiggles accuse him of wearing rose-colored glasses! Interestingly, Lewis modeled him after his real life gardener, Fred Paxford.

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