How I’d Like to Respond to Fake C.S. Lewis Quotes

Each day on social media you can easily find at least a half-dozen quotations falsely attributed to C.S. Lewis. Specifically, on Twitter, it is easy to find sayings claiming to be by him because people often use #CSLewis when sharing quotes. When I notice them, I often post a brief reply that goes something like “Nice quote, but Lewis didn’t write it” and then provide a link to an online article about that quote if I have one written.

However, I frequently have a passing thought of making a sarcastic remark that is a parody of the falsely attributed quotation. Fortunately, I resist the temptation, but I thought I’d get them out of my system by sharing them here. So, here are my baker’s dozen of quotes not by Lewis that he is incorrectly listed as the author of in countless memes.

NOTE: You can click on the image to learn more details about the actual false quote.
















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PURCHASE The Misquotable C.S. Lewis