The Narnia Code Series 02 (Shows 4-5)

Narnia Code 02 (4-5)This is the second episode in the re-packaged series on The Narnia Code. It combines what was previously the fourth and fifth episodes. Back in 2012 I had the privilege to interview Dr. Michael Ward for a series of thirteen episodes to discuss his book The Narnia Code. With me to help co-host the show was Dr. Holly Ordway. Due to the series being in so many parts I was reluctant to re-post it, but this year is not only the 65th anniversary of the publication of the first Narnia story, but also the 10th anniversary of the first Hollywood version of the Narnia movies. But, as noted, I decided to combine two or more show for this posting. The podcast today, as noted is the second in the new series, and it covers the fourth and fifth chapters from The Narnia Code; they deal with the first two published Narnia books and reveal the specific “code” that Dr. Ward discovered. If you haven’t listened to the last episode that lays the background information about his approach, then be sure to follow the link below to give it a listen.


Listen to The Narnia Code 02 (Shows 4-5)
