C.S. Lewis — Mere Christian: Mere Christianity (Event)

Bob California 2014

Robert Trexler, publisher, writer, and scholar of George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis, will be speaking on “C.S. Lewis – Mere Christian: Mere Christianity on Saturday, September 13th. It will take place at Campbell Hall at Christ Episcopal Church in Sausalito, CA. The church is sponsoring the event, with the C.S. Lewis Society of California and New York C.S. Lewis Society co-sponsoring.

This special event kicks off at 2 o’clock with a wine & cheese reception. A thirty minute film about Lewis will begin at 3 o’clock with Trexler giving his talk after that. Trexler has been a part of the New York C.S. Lewis Society for over twenty years and editor of the Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society for fifteen years. He is also President of Winged Lion Press, publishers of a variety of books about C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald and other topics. Trexler plans to bring his “portable bookstore,” so you can purchase books that day. 

RSVP if you plan to attend the event; a donation of $20 per person ($10 if student) is requested. You can call 415-332-1539 or email: email@christchurchsausalito.com