Retro: August 1st – 11th

Highlights for August 1-11 include: Lewis’s first time ever on the radio, earning of a second First at Oxford and two more letters from Screwtape.

In one sense not a lot of events occurred in Lewis’s life over the years during the first week and a half in August; but then the most significant from this period is likely among the highest points in his entire life. It was on the 6th in 1941 that he stood before a microphone to

Retro: June 20th – 30th

Highlights in Lewis’s life for this time frame are: Sharing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with his close friends four months before it was published, being awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity and Screwtape talking about the “law of Undulation.”

As you may recall, Lewis met frequently with a group of friends called the Inklings. They gathered at