Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #24r

You can NOW order the paperback on Amazon! Kindle version AVAILABLE for pre-order for only $5.49! The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. To celebrate the release of my book about it I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   The essay “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” was published less than …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #22r

You can NOW order the paperback on Amazon! Kindle version AVAILABLE for pre-order for only $5.49! The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. To celebrate the release of my book about it I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   “Screwtape Proposes a Toast,” the follow-up essay from Lewis is …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #20r

You can NOW order the paperback on Amazon! Kindle version available soon. The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   According to Walter Hooper, Lewis had likely finished  writing all of The Screwtape …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #18r

You can NOW order the paperback on Amazon! Kindle version available soon. The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   In a letter Lewis wrote to Roy W. Harrington (on January 19, 1948), …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #17r

You can NOW order the paperback on Amazon! Kindle version available soon. The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   The handwritten manuscript Lewis gave to Sister Penelope eventually made its way to …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #16r

The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   Lewis sent the original handwritten manuscript of The Screwtape Letters to Sister Penelope on October 9, 1941. She was a friend who was an Anglican …

Fascinating Facts About The Screwtape Letters #15r

The Screwtape Letters is one of many great books by C.S. Lewis. As the publication of my book about it draws near I’m sharing a fact about it each day.   Prior to Geoffrey Bles publishing The Screwtape Letters they released a book by Lewis in 1940 called The Problem of Pain. Learn more about my …