The Oddest Inkling (Sørina Higgins)

Most who read the works of C.S. Lewis are aware that he spend many hours over the years with a group of friends known as the Inklings. Charles Williams was one of the central participants for a short period of time. He died unexpectedly in 1945 and although Lewis and Williams were friends for less than ten years, the impact of their relationship was very significant for Lewis.

Who was Charles Williams? If you are willing to believe Sørina Higgins, he was “The Oddest Inkling.” Why such a description? She states, “He was a British poet, novelist, literary critic, editor, lecturer, biographer, Anglican Christian, and occult master.

Lewis and Women Series (Dr. Crystal Hurd)

Many casual readers of C.S. Lewis believe that he disliked women and some of them even think that he “encouraged misogyny and the oppression of women.” That last view was something that Dr. Crystal Hurd ran into when she was defending her doctoral dissertation. This encounter is part of what lead her to write a series of articles about Lewis and women. She began this project in May, 2013 and at the time of this posting is nearly finished.


This is just the second in a new series of post swhere I tell about a resource related to C.S. Lewis that you don’t want to miss. My spotlight shines again on an entire Website. However, this one is very different than my debut choice. It’s a site created by Arend Smilde called LEWISIANA.NL. The last part of the name should be noted because unless you are following a direct link to the site you will not arrive at your desired destination. The reason for the unusual ending is the fact that the place is hosted in The Nederlands, where Arend resides.

A Pilgrim in Narnia (Brenton Dickieson)

Welcome to first of a new weekly series whose aim is to share useful resources online related to C.S. Lewis. It may be a single article, free audio or video piece or like today an entire website. As you can tell from the title, the site is called “A Pilgrim in Narnia.” Brenton Dickieson is the mastermind behind the site that does a wonderful job discussing a large variety of content related to C.S. Lewis. In the spirit of full disclosure,

New Feature – Resource Spotlight

Beginning January 2nd a new feature starts called “Resource Spotlight.” Plans are for this to be a weekly post. It will highlight either a Website in general, something unique at a Website or a resource (like a video or audio) available online that you shouldn’t miss.

You may recognize some of the sites or items featured because I’ve mentioned them within my previous articles. However, I figured it would be helpful to have a stand-alone place to visit to be reminded of, or discover other useful resources related to C.S. Lewis.