Updated 8/12/17

The following serves as an overview and introduction for this series that will begin soon. Presently I’m not sure how frequently updates will be posted. However, you can easily tell if I’m made changes by noting the date just above the picture. You can also keep up with new posts (and easily ask questions) by joining the group on Facebook called Misconceptions about C.S. Lewis. As you might guess from the title, the focus is on exploring false beliefs about the life or writings of C.S. Lewis.
At the bottom of this page is what you might consider to be a “table of contents.” It can help you quickly locate an issue that has has been or will be examined. If there is no link yet then that means the article hasn’t been posted.
Please be aware that the titles in the list below are tentative and should be viewed more as claims made about or against Lewis. That is, as they are currently worded, they are all false. However, the “degree” of them not being true may vary. Meaning, some claims might not have a definitive answer and there could be room to “agree to disagree” with my conclusions.
The Claims Examined
Presently there are over twenty proposed topics. The following list is not the final order that the issues will be addressed and more questionable claims may be added. Finally, only the items with links means I’ve posted the article. So, be patient with me as I attempt to post a new essay every few weeks.
- (CMCSL-1) The Four Loves audio is Lewis reading his book
- (CMCSL-2) Lewis Had a Serious Crisis of Faith After Losing a Debate to Anscombe
- (CMCSL-3) Lewis and Mrs. Moore Were Secret Lovers
- (CMCSL-4) After Winston Churchill, Lewis Was the Most Recognized Voice in Britain in the 1940’s
- (CMCSL-5) Lewis was Just a Children’s Author
- (CMCSL-6) Lewis Didn’t Experience Suffering Until His Wife Died
- (CMCSL-7) Lewis was a Universalist
- Lewis was a Fundamentalist
- Lewis would have become a Catholic had he lived longer
- Lewis believed in Evolution
- Lewis was Anti-Science
- Lewis was a Theologian
- Lewis hated women
- Lewis was a Racist
- Lewis and Tolkien were barely friends when Lewis died
- Lewis helped Tolkien become a Christian
- Lewis wanted to deceive readers of Surprised by Joy by leaving out important details
- The Narnia books are allegory
- Lewis wanted his Narnia books read in chronological order
- Lewis was an Oxford Professor
- “Reluctant Convert” Quote is about Lewis’ conversion to Christianity
- Hilter’s 1940 Speech Was the Only Inspiration for The Screwtape Letters