Fact / Quote / Quiz: 12/10

FACT OF THE DAY: On December 1, 1956 Lewis had “Behind the Scenes” published in Time and Tide. It is reprinted in God in the Dock. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “If it is true that all our enjoyment of the images, without remainder, can be explained in terms of infantile sexuality, then, …

Fact / Quote / Quiz: 12/9

FACT OF THE DAY: “After Priggery – What?” is an essay by Lewis first published on December 7, 1945 in The Spectator. Available now in Present Concerns. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “To avoid a man’s society because he is poor or ugly or stupid may be bad; but to avoid it because …

Fact / Quote / Quiz: 12/8

FACT OF THE DAY: “Who Goes Home? or The Grand Divorce V” was published today (12/8) in 1944 in The Guardian. This eventual became part of The Great Divorce. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I do not look at myself. I have given up myself.” Who Goes Home? or The Grand Divorce V (Published …

An Inklings Week in Oxford 2016

There are many ways to learn more about the writings and life of C.S. Lewis and his Inklings friends. The following interview tells about one great way: visit the area where they lived and discuss their writings with those who know them well. Dr. Hal Poe and Dr. Don King join William O’Flaherty to tell …

(CCSLQ-14) Happy Moment

This is part of an occasional series (currently it’s weekly) exploring quotations attributed to C.S. Lewis that are questionable for one reason or another. There is an “at a glance” page HERE to quickly see what has been posted so far in this series. Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to read the INTRODUCTION …

Fact / Quote / Quiz: 12/5

FACT OF THE DAY: “Xmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter from Herodotus” is a satirical piece by Lewis published in the December 4, 1954 issue of Time and Tide. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Unless there is something about which the author is never ironical, there can be no true irony in the …

Lost C.S. Lewis Recording Discovered

  Incredible news of a LOST recording of C.S. Lewis was mentioned as part of an upcoming interview with Dr. Hal Poe about An Inklings Week in Oxford. During the conversation it was revealed that Christianity Today will soon post an article about Hal’s discovery of a previously unknown recording C.S. Lewis did before his radio …

Fact / Quote / Quiz: 12/4

FACT OF THE DAY: Selected Literary Essays, edited by Walter Hooper, was first published today (12/4) in 1969. – – – QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The Bible thus considered, for good or ill, as a single book, has been read for almost every purpose more diligently than for literary pleasure.” The Literary Impact of the …