CONFIRMING C.S. LEWIS QUOTES: Is Every Quote Credit to Him Really By Him?
Saturday, August 22nd
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Academic Solutions, Top Floor at 252 Signal Mountain Rd
Chattanooga, Tn 37405
FREE LECTURE – But space is limited. RSVP on Facebook here.
How do you know if all the quotes you see on social media attributed to C.S. Lewis is something he actually wrote? They may sound nice, but are they really by him? Unfortunately there are over a dozen popular quotes credited to Lewis that are either not him or taken out of context. Learn what they are and what Lewis actually said related to the topic in this informative and entertaining talk.
About the speaker, William O’Flaherty:
William O’Flaherty is the mastermind behind EssentialCSLewis.com, a site helping you understand and appreciate the life of the man and his writings. He is also the host of All About Jack, a weekly podcast that usually features author interviews. He is a full-time Mental Health Counselor living in West Virginia.