Introducing The Inklings (CSLM-24)


Any hard-core fan of C.S. Lewis knows who The Inklings are…but if you’re not such a fan you probably don’t have an inkling of what I mean!

If you’ve read The Problem of Pain you may have noticed it was dedicated to “The Inklings.” Yet Lewis doesn’t provide any details about this group. Loosely speaking they were similar to what is commonly called a “Writer’s group.” However, it was almost as much of an informal gathering of friends. Members included J.R.R. Tolkien and Owen Barfield.

Their weekly Thursday night meetings were more structured; it met in Lewis’ college rooms where they frequently read their own works in progress. Additionally, a more casual gathering happen on Tuesdays, often in the morning at a Pub called The Eagle and Child.

Do you have a favorite Inkling (besides Lewis)? Tell me below by leaving a comment.


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