90 Sec #4 – First BBC Radio Talk (YouTube)

Here’s the fourth regular show from my  90 second YouTube channel. The purpose is to help people briefly learn about significant events in the life of C.S. Lewis. Note the text version of the show is below, WITH footnotes! First BBC Radio Talk by C.S. Lewis (August 6, 1941) Mere Christianity is, after the Narnia …

CSL Daily 02/06/20

  QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” The Shocking Alternative (Given as a talk on the BBC on 2/1/1942) – – – FACT OF THE DAY: The Magician’s Nephew took Lewis the longest to …

CSL Daily 02/03/20

  QUOTE OF THE DAY: “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself.” The Shocking Alternative (Given as a talk on the BBC on 2/1/1942) – – – FACT OF THE DAY: Lewis’s short story “The Shoddy Lands” was published in the February, 1956 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It’s now available …

CSL Daily 01/18/20

  QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Besides being complicated, reality, in my experience, is usually odd.” The Invasion (Second Talk from BBC Broadcast on 1/18/1942) – – – FACT OF THE DAY: Later known as “The Invasion,” Lewis’s second talk from his second BBC radio series was given on January 18, 1942. – – – PURCHASE The Misquotable …